Winter 2025

FALL 2022

Dr. Hogencamp

The leaves are changing here in the Northeast creating a brilliant display of reds, golds and oranges while the perennial evergreens hold firm in the background. These cycles occur not only throughout the year but from one year to the next.  These changes are no different from the cycles we experience in Urgent Care….  Read more…

Dr. Amanda Nevded from Children’s Mercy is looking to enroll interested sites in a two-year multi-center QI collaborative, based off the CDC CORE Commitment to Health Equity, and feature a webinar series from national leaders in antibiotic stewardship and health equity. Quality Improvement coaching sessions will be available to participating urgent care sites to engage clinicians at the local level. Read more…

Academic urgent/acute care fellowships join the growing ranks of one-year fellowship programs to further train pediatricians entering this developing specialty as pediatric urgent care centers continue to proliferate. This month we highlight Children’s National Pediatric Acute Care Fellowship… Read more…

In August of this year, the Section of Urgent Care Medicine (SOUCM) advanced from provisional to full section status within the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). This is a momentous milestone for urgent care pediatricians everywhere as our subspecialty continues to gain nationwide recognition and could not have been possible without our members. Read more…

We are looking for volunteers to join SPUC’s Education Committee to help us continue to produce timely, evidence-based education to our SPUC member group.  This is a great opportunity for someone who has a passion for continuing medical education and wants to be more involved in the Society. Read more…

SPUC Cases of the Month

Here are our Cases of the Month. We love to highlight interesting cases so please feel free to email our editors with yours.

Our first case involves a 5-week-old with vomiting and is brought to us by Traci Downs-Bouchard MD FAAP from Nationwide Children’s Hospital Urgent Care. 

Our second case involves a 5-year-old with fever and a new heart murmur and is brought to us by Erin Madison MSN APRN NP-C and Dr. Alicia V. Tezel MD FAAP FCUCM, Chief Medical Officer Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care.

The Mike Moran Scholar Award is presented annually to a pediatric resident or fellow in training in the field of pediatric urgent care (MD/DO, NP, PA), with the goal of enhancing clinical research in pediatric urgent care.  

Read more about the Mike Moran Scholar Award here.

SPUC has created a new section on our website with a collation of Evidence Based Urgent Care clinical practice guidelines. We would love your feedback and to hear if you use guidelines at your urgent care, or which topics you find the greatest need. Click on the following link for examples of some practice guidelines used at Nationwide Children’s Hospital Urgent Cares. Read more…

Bethany Uhl MD

SPUC had a fantastic conference at Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s (NCH) brand-new conference center from September 15-17! Attendees from all over the US enjoyed returning to in-person networking and had beautiful weather to explore Columbus, Ohio. Attendees of the Precourse Leadership Summit enjoyed several high yield topics on leadership culture and navigating the current challenges of urgent care leadership. Read more…

Reading Corner

Please visit our new and updated Reading Corner – a helpful resource to keep us updated on the most relevant and timely journal articles, new guidelines, and editorials on Pediatric medicine.

Journal Articles:

  1. Multispecies Probiotic for the Prevention of Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea in Children: a randomized control trial
    JAMA Pediatrics 2022; 176(9)
  2. Non Cardiac Conditions that Mimic Cardiac Symptoms in Athletes
    Clinics in Sports Medicine
    July 2022, Volume 41 Issue 3
  3. Ring Removal: A Comprehensive Review of Techniques
    Journal of Emergency Medicine
    August 2022 Volume 63 Issue 2
  4. Serious Bacterial Infections in Young Febrile Infants w/ Positive Urinalysis Result
    October 2022, Volume 150 Issue 4
  5. Is it Appendicitis? The Role of Clinical Scoring Systems, Labs, and Diagnostic Imaging

Members! FREE CME and MOC II for Weekly Webinars

These popular educational webinars feature experts in the field of pediatric urgent care and offer free CME and MOC Part II credits per calendar year upon achieving 60% or better on the post-webinar surveys.

See upcoming topics and on-demand content here.

Members may post job opportunities at no charge. Non-members may post job opportunities for a fee of $500 for 90 days.

Click HERE for details.

SPUC Newsletter Editors

Welcome New Members

SPUC is pleased to announce the following new members who will add strength, expertise and vitality to our association.

SPUC Group Billing

Save time and money! Use SPUC’s Group Billing to streamline the application and payment processes.

Get a 10% or 15% Discount on Dues: Receive a 10% discount on member dues in the group billing program for groups of 34 members or fewer for your practice or institution. Groups of 35 or more members will receive a 15% discount.

The Society will send one comprehensive renewal notice to include all the SPUC members in your practice or institution. Contact Membership Director Greg Leasure to establish group billing for your members.

Download SPUC's FREE Membership App!

New Listserv for SPUC Members Through Simplelists

Post, follow, comment, converse

  • SPUC has migrated to a new listserv product that is more user-friendly for our members called Simplelists.
  • As a SPUC member, the email address you provided for your member record has already been transferred to the new listserv forum.
  • You will receive a confirmation email containing a link which you must click to confirm that you have become an active listserv subscriber.
  • Log in [] to the Member section and navigate to the seventh bullet ‘Listserv’.
  • Review your profile. Here you may also make changes to the default settings such as how often you’d like to receive postings or unsubscribe.

Read more…

No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of SPUC. All rights reserved. The Society for Pediatric Urgent Care is not responsible for statements made by any contributor. Statements or opinions expressed in the newsletter reflect the views of the author(s) and not necessarily the official policy of SPUC.

Editors: Traci Downs-Bouchard MD FAAP and Haroon Shaukat MD FAAP

Society for Pediatric Urgent Care | 2209 Dickens Road | (804) 565-6393 | Fax (804) 282-0090 |