We are looking to enroll interested sites in a two-year multi-center QI collaborative, based off the CDC CORE Commitment to Health Equity, featuring a webinar series from national leaders in antibiotic stewardship and health equity. Quality Improvement coaching sessions will be available to participating urgent care sites to engage clinicians at the local level. The goals of this project are:
1. Characterize health inequities in antibiotic prescribing behaviors for respiratory infections
2. Identify the root cause of health inequities in antibiotic prescribing behaviors
3. Develop interventions to improve health equity in antibiotic prescribing
Participation requirements for this project involve collecting data centered around antibiotic prescribing patterns through an automated report. No planned manual chart reviews! Participants will engage in focus groups to discuss what barriers in antibiotic prescribing contribute to health inequity. There will also be opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and sharing of successful interventions to improve health equity in antibiotic stewardship. We plan to offer CME and MOC Part 4 credit (pending approval).
The kickoff for this study is planned for early 2023!
If you have any questions or would like to receive updates on the status of this project, contact Dr. Amanda Nevded at anedved@cmh.edu