Winter 2025

Fall 2022

President’s Message

By Toni Clare Hogencamp MD
PM Pediatrics
Director, Quality
Regional Medical Director, New England

Dr. Hogencamp

The leaves are changing here in the Northeast creating a brilliant display of reds, golds, and oranges while the perennial evergreens hold firm in the background. These cycles occur not only throughout the year but from one year to the next.  These changes are no different from the cycles we experience in Urgent Care.  We expect injuries during the summer months; respiratory illnesses in the fall and winter; along with the perennial febrile illnesses, concussions, and rashes.  When these cycles were interrupted during the COVID pandemic we reacted – with resilience, flexibility, and innovation. 

We are continuing to adapt to some of the changes in expected seasonal variation.  It seems Coxsackie and croup have become perennial, RSV hopped in during the summer months – bringing increases in asthma and other respiratory illnesses, and otitis media and otitis-conjunctivitis have seen a sharp increase in recent months. This is the time when connecting and collaborating are crucial.  Sharing our current experiences on the administrative side (staffing) as well as the clinical side (volumes and acuity).

One of my favorite ways to connect is at our Annual Conference. It was refreshing to (finally) see our colleagues in person.  Nationwide Children’s hosted in their new conference space which allowed for both educational and networking opportunities.  The conference updates us on changes in asthma and behavioral health, while adding to our foundation about fever, rashes, and fever with rashes.  The largest growth in our conference poster presentations was related to Quality Improvement and antibiotic stewardship with multiple institutions completing UTI and Otitis Media projects.  

The annual conference also marks our Board Member election.  Amy Romashko MD was re-elected, and will remain on the board for an additional term.  Join me in welcoming Derrek Massanari MD, Director of UC at Children’s Colorado and Benjamin Klick MD, Director of Quality Improvement, Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters.  We are looking forward to their contributions to the growth of SPUC and Pediatric Urgent Care.  We are also looking forward to YOUR contributions to our newsletter, list-serv and annual conference. 

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Editors: Traci Downs-Bouchard MD FAAP and Haroon Shaukat MD FAAP

Society for Pediatric Urgent Care | 2209 Dickens Road | (804) 565-6393 | Fax (804) 282-0090 |