Winter 2025

Call for Newsletter Co-Editor, SPUC Pulse

After many years as Co-Editor, Haroon Shaukat MD will refocus his energies in support of the society. We are grateful to  Dr. Shaukat for his input and guidance in publishing SPUC’s informative newsletter.  This creates an opportunity for those in the pediatric urgent care field to lend their expertise and creativity as Co-Editor for SPUC’s newsletter, Pulse, teaming with Co-Editor Traci Downs-Bouchard.  These positions are vital to formulating communications with our members.  The Co-Editors are responsible for all aspects of publication associated with nourishing SPUC’s newsletter as an educational and informative resource for SPUC’s membership in accordance with the mission of the Society for Pediatric Urgent Care. 


  1. Envision the scope, content and format of three newsletters annually in accordance with the mission of SPUC.
  2. Accept overall responsibility for timely publication of the newsletter in coordination with the management firm.
  3. Accept overall responsibility for content of the newsletter (including quality, accuracy, editing, proofing).
  4. Lead newsletter content planning and design. 
  5. Serve as the primary liaison to authors and contributors.  
  6. Actively solicit and invite features and articles. 
  7. Conduct initial screening of all features and articles.  
  8. Work with the management firm in maintaining the newsletter webpage.
  9. Liaise with SPUC’s Board of Directors and the Communications Committee Chair.
  10. Report annually to SPUC’s Board of Directors about the status of the publication.
  11. Operate within the Board-approved budget.
  12. Newsletter Co-Editors are leadership volunteers, appointed by the Board of Directors for a three-year term.

Send a letter of interest to SPUC President Usha Sathian MD and Communications Committee Board Liaison DeeDee Stewart, subject line SPUC Co-Editor, subject line SPUC Co-Editor, no later than February 10, 2025

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SPUC Newsletter Editor

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©Copyright Society for Pediatric Urgent Care 2209 Dickens Road, Richmond, VA 23230 | | 804-565-6393 | Fax: 804-282-0090