Winter 2025

About Children’s Mercy Research Institute

The lights of the CMRI building are a design based on our patients’ DNA. The DNA sequences represent the groundbreaking work happening inside the building to find answers for kids.

The Children’s Mercy Research Institute (CMRI) integrates research and clinical care with multidisciplinary teams at the point of care while bringing together nationally recognized expertise in genomic medicine, precision therapeutics, population health and health care innovation.

As a result, we accelerate the development of groundbreaking individualized therapies and treatments that transform the potential of all children, one child at a time. 

The CMRI is home to one of the most progressive and dynamic pediatric research programs in the world. The CMRI integrates research into health care by fostering a partnership among health care professionals, researchers, patients and families. Together we are pursuing discoveries to improve the health and wellbeing of children everywhere.  

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The Society will send one comprehensive renewal notice to include all the SPUC members in your practice or institution. Contact Membership Director Greg Leasure to establish group billing for your members.

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