Entering Year 3 of the global COVID pandemic. Did anyone think we would still be here? Last spring, we saw a brief return of routine childhood illness and injuries as we were trying to bet back to “normal.” This gave many of us hope that we were putting the pandemic behind us. Then, we experienced the highest surges in later summer (Delta), and the later part of 2021 (Omicron). Read more…
We are pleased to introduce our three new Board Members!
Read the article here…

Academic urgent care fellowships join the growing ranks of one-year fellowship programs to further train pediatricians entering this developing specialty as pediatric urgent care centers continue to proliferate. This month we highlight Phoenix Children’s Pediatric Urgent Care Fellowship… Read more…
We are looking for volunteers to join the SPUC Education Committee to help us continue to produce timely, evidence-based education for our SPUC member group and beyond. This is a great opportunity for someone who has a passion for continuing medical education and wants to be more involved in the Society… Read more…

The Mike Moran Scholar Award is presented annually to a pediatric resident or fellow in training in the field of pediatric urgent care (MD/DO, NP, PA), with the goal of enhancing clinical research in pediatric urgent care.
The 2021 winner was Gagandeep K. Kooner MD MBBS. Dr. Kooner presented “Antimicrobial Stewardship for the Uncomplicated UTI in the Pediatric ED”.
Read more about the Mike Moran Scholar Award here.
Registration and program coming soon!
SPUC’s annual conference was held virtually from September 15-17, 2021. This was our second virtual conference, and it was very successful with 120 in attendance. The conference opened with a presentation on the State of COVID-19/MIS-C; throughout the conference different aspects of COVID were discussed as they relate to pediatric urgent care. Read more…
SPUC Cases of the Month
We have two interesting cases to discuss. First, we present the case of a 9-month-old male with 2 days of vomiting and tachypnea, can you make the diagnosis…. Read more…
Second, we present the case of a 5-year-old female with atraumatic right knee injury, can you make the diagnosis… Read more…
Please visit our “Reading Corner” – a helpful resource to keep us updated on the most relevant and timely journal articles, new guidelines, and editorials on Pediatric medicine.
In this edition we highlight the academic work of some of our members … Read more…
We are very excited to launch our new listserv – a valuable way members can communicate to share best practices, interesting cases, educational tools, pose questions and collaborate. We look forward to hearing from you. Read more…
Members! FREE CME and MOC II for Weekly Webinars
These popular educational webinars feature experts in the field of pediatric urgent care and offer free CME and MOC Part II credits per calendar year upon achieving 60% or better on the post-webinar surveys.
See upcoming topics and on-demand content here.
SPUC Newsletter Editors
SPUC is pleased to announce our new members, who will add strength, expertise and vitality to our association.
SPUC Group Billing
Save time and money! Use SPUC’s Group Billing to streamline the application and payment processes.
Get a 10% or 15% Discount on Dues: Receive a 10% discount on member dues in the group billing program for groups of 34 members or fewer for your practice or institution. Groups of 35 or more members will receive a 15% discount.
The Society will send one comprehensive renewal notice to include all the SPUC members in your practice or institution. Contact Membership Director Greg Leasure to establish group billing for your members.

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The SPUC Listserv is available to all SPUC members. Log in to the member section here to post a message or update your settings.

Members may post job opportunities at no charge.
Non-members may post job opportunities
for a fee for 90 days.
Click HERE for details.
Committee Opportunities

Want to make a difference in our developing specialty of Urgent Care Pediatrics?
Join a SPUC Committee or workgroup!
No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of SPUC. All rights reserved. The Society for Pediatric Urgent Care is not responsible for statements made by any contributor. Statements or opinions expressed in the newsletter reflect the views of the author(s) and not necessarily the official policy of SPUC.
Editors: Traci Downs-Bouchard MD FAAP and Haroon Shaukat MD FAAP
Society for Pediatric Urgent Care | 2209 Dickens Road | (804) 565-6393 | Fax (804) 282-0090 | www.urgentcarepeds.org