Winter 2025

spring 2022

Welcome to SPUC’s New Board Members

Dr. Uhl

Bethany Uhl MD
I am passionate about delivering the best quality, evidence-based and convenient care possible for families.  The collaboration and opportunities to improve pediatric urgent care that arise from SPUC are unmatched in any other setting.

My medical training started with medical school at The Ohio State University. I completed my pediatric residency at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in 2016 and then joined the urgent care network as an assistant professor of pediatrics for NCH and The Ohio State University. I was also selected as the Director of Urgent Care Quality Improvement beginning in 2019. We have implemented several successful QI projects which have led to a publication and involvement in the AAP Section on Urgent Care Medicine Committee on QI and Research. I also serve as the Director of Urgent Care Telehealth and spearheaded the development and implementation of our UC Telehealth service.

I have been a SPUC member since April 2018 regularly participating in the conferences and webinars. I also coordinated group billing for my institution and recruited new members locally. I joined the SPUC programming committee in January 2020 and helped with pivoting to the first virtual conference and continue to be involved in conference planning. Since the moment I discovered pediatric urgent care during residency, my fascination with the field has not wavered. I am passionate about delivering the best quality, evidence-based and convenient care possible for families. The collaboration and opportunities to improve pediatric urgent care that arise from SPUC are unmatched in any other setting.

Dr. John

Susan John MD
I have been a practicing general pediatrician since 2003 when I completed my pediatric residency at LSU New Orleans. I entered the field of pediatric urgent care in 2012 when I started working in the fast track of the Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital Emergency Department. In 2015, I took on the position of medical director for the Vanderbilt Children’s After-Hours Clinics. Since then, we have expanded from three clinics to six clinics throughout middle Tennessee. It has been an exciting time to be in the field of pediatric urgent care as we have seen tremendous growth not just locally but across the country.

Since attending the first SPUC meeting in Cincinnati, I have continued to return due to the excellent content presented year after year at the annual meeting. It has been a fantastic way to network within the field and learn from others as we have grown. Serving as the program co-chair for the annual SPUC meeting in 2020 and 2021 has allowed me the opportunity to see first-hand the great work that SPUC is doing to advance the field.

Dr. Speerhas

Tammy Speerhas DNP FNP-C CEN
As the Director of Education for our Urgent Division, I am passionate about keeping our providers engaged and updated on current best practice strategies to ensure our little patients get the best care possible. Becoming more involved in SPUC is a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with other experts in the field and continue to grow our pediatric urgent care specialty.  I am very excited and look forward to serving!

I have been passionate about caring for others since I was a child, and it remains my honor and privilege to care for others even in this difficult pandemic season which has thought me about the power of positivity, perseverance, endurance, and most importantly how one life can impact so many others. My career began in the emergency department (ED) at the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in 1994. From 1997-2012, I worked as a nurse in several EDs, adult and pediatric, and held several administrative positions.

Becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner in 2012 and obtaining my DNP from the University of Alabama in 2015 has allowed me to pursue opportunities in the clinical, administrative, and educational arenas. These included working as a clinical provider in a busy pediatric urgent care center and the following administrative/teaching roles; Pediatric Urgent Care Director of Education and Quality, Assistant Director Urgent Care Fellowship program, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at EVMS, and Adjunct Professor at South University. Educating and growing younger providers into confident, skilled, enthusiastic, and evidence-based clinicians continue to be a priority and the source of great satisfaction.

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Editors: Traci Downs-Bouchard MD FAAP and Haroon Shaukat MD FAAP

Society for Pediatric Urgent Care | 2209 Dickens Road | (804) 565-6393 | Fax (804) 282-0090 |