Winter 2025

spring 2022

Phoenix Children’s Offering Pediatric Urgent Care Fellowship Program

Commencing from 2018-2019, Phoenix Children’s began offering a new Pediatric Urgent Care Fellowship Program in Phoenix, Arizona. Given the increasing number of pediatric urgent care centers nationally, most pediatric residents graduate without adequate exposure to the urgent care experience and the career opportunities that it offers. This is the perfect opportunity for someone interested in acute care pediatrics including procedures but not the high acuity and complicated patients of a pediatric emergency room. 

PCH offers a one-year program designed to train graduating residents (pediatrics and family practice) and general pediatricians to practice in this high-acuity, fast-paced environment. Their goal is to create experts in the emerging field of Pediatric Urgent Care Medicine who will become leaders in the field. Phoenix Children’s has urgent care centers at four corners of the city, providing service care to over 50,000 patients per year combined. The fellows will be trained and supervised by general pediatricians and Pediatric Emergency Medicine faculty/ fellows who all cover the urgent care sites. Physicians, from the entire spectrum of subspecialists, are on call for both urgent care as well as the emergency department.

The Pediatric Urgent Care fellowship at PCH will be recruiting in the fall of 2022.  Please reach out to the fellowship director, Chris Ramsook ( if you are interested in learning more.

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Editors: Traci Downs-Bouchard MD FAAP and Haroon Shaukat MD FAAP

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