By Toni Clare Hogencamp MD
SPUC President

Last spring, we saw a brief return of routine childhood illness and injuries as we were trying to bet back to “normal.” This gave many of us hope that we were putting the pandemic behind us. Then, we experienced the highest surges in later summer (Delta), and the later part of 2021 (Omicron). Each variant moved more swiftly than the one before but seemed to be less virulent. We saw the highest rates of hospitalizations in children during the most recent surge, but children have still fared better than adults. Now that the surge seems to be on the downslope, we have reached another lull in childhood illness and injuries.
There have been a few positive experiences due to the pandemic. The increased attention to precautions is helping to keep Influenza at bay. Our second winter without significant Flu and its associated complications. We have also noticed a shift in conversation about burnout, self-care and wellness. Anyone who works in a healthcare environment – from non-clinical to clinical staff — have been affected by COVID. What will you do in 2022 for self-care? What is your employer doing to promote and support your wellness?
While we anxiously await the end of the pandemic, we must also acknowledge that even good things must end. We would like to extend our thanks to Malinda Teague DNP, Dr. Theresa (Terri) Guins and Dr. Robert (Bob) Cooper, who have completed their service on our Board of Directors. Each has contributed to the success of SPUC and advancement of pediatric urgent care.
Recognizing that Nurse Practitioners (and PAs) are a vital part of urgent care delivery, Malinda offered her perspective as an NP. She worked with NAPNAP (National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners) to provide pediatric urgent care content. Terri served on the Fellowship Committee and started an NP/PA fellowship at Urgent Care for Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters, where she served as Medical Director. Terri was able to provide feedback to the Fellowship Committee. Bob brought his desire to teach to several of our conferences by serving on the Program Committee.
Speaking of conferences – we hope we will see you in person this fall!