Winter 2025


President’s Message

Dr. Hogencamp

It’s hard to believe that it has been three years since the world was permanently altered by COVID-19. While volumes and infectious disease patterns continue to normalize, burnout continues for all levels of providers and staff in healthcare. To combat my feelings of burnout while I’m at work I try to find joy in each interaction with a family. We’re in pediatrics, make it fun!! Read more…

Dr. Nedved

Amanda Nedved MD and Rana El Faghaly MD, Children’s Mercy Kansas City, were recently awarded a MISP grant from Merck to be used on a multi-site quality improvement project aimed at Improving Health Equity in Antibiotic Prescribing for Respiratory Infections in Pediatric Urgent Care Clinics. Read more…

Fellowship Spotlights

Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH) and the Division of Urgent Care Pediatrics is proud to offer a new Academic Pediatric Acute Care (APAC) Fellowship.  Our one-year program will afford fellows the opportunity to expand and refine their clinical pediatric acute care skills, while also developing the academic, business and leadership expertise to become the leaders of tomorrow in this young and evolving field. Read more…

The PA/NP Pediatric Urgent Care Fellowship is a collaboration between Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS), Children’s Speciality Group (CSG), and Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters (CHKD). CHKD is the leading children’s hospital in southeastern Virginia and has Urgent Care Centers throughout Hampton Roads, in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, and Newport News. Read more…

AAP Updates

Check Out the Section on Urgent Care Medicine Program at the AAP Conference in Washington

If you are going to be in Washington DC for the 2023 AAP National Conference and Exhibition, please make sure to check out the Section on Urgent Care Medicine program. Keep Calm and Carry on in the Pediatric Urgent Care: Saturday October 21 from 1:00-5:00 pm. The agenda will include procedural tips from child life specialists, discussion about caregiver de-escalation, and advice on how to manage sleep for health care providers.

We are looking for volunteers to join SPUC’s Education Committee to help us continue to produce timely, evidence-based education to our SPUC member group.  This is a great opportunity for someone who has a passion for continuing medical education and wants to be more involved in the Society. Read more…

September 27-29, 2023

Brought to the learner in virtual format.

See the Mobile Meeting Guide for the program, faculty,  exhibitors and more!

Post, follow, comment, converse

  • SPUC has migrated to a new listserv product that is more user-friendly for our members called Simplelists.
  • As a SPUC member, the email address you provided for your member record has already been transferred to the new listserv forum.
  • You will receive a confirmation email containing a link which you must click to confirm that you have become an active listserv subscriber.
  • Log in [] to the Member section and navigate to the seventh bullet ‘Listserv’.
  • Review your profile. Here you may also make changes to the default settings such as how often you’d like to receive postings or unsubscribe.

SPUC Cases of the Month

We have two interesting cases to discuss.

  1. First, we present the case of a six year-old female with two days of lower back pain? Can you make the diagnosis? Read more…
  2. Second, we present the case of a two year-old male with arm concern clenching his hand. Can you make the diagnosis? Read more…

Reading Corner

Please visit our new and updated Reading Corner – a helpful resource to keep us updated on the most relevant and timely journal articles, new guidelines, and editorials on Pediatric medicine.

  1. FDA aims to update aims to reduce unnecessary opioid prescribing (AAP News)
  2. The Association of Antimicrobial Prophylaxis with Return Visits After Dog Bites in Children (Pediatric Emergency Care)
  3. Activity and Recovery Among Youth with Concussion: A Meta-Analysis (Pediatrics)
  4. International Consensus Statement on the Radiological Screening of Contact Children in the Context of Suspected Child Physical Abuse (JAMA Pediatrics)
  5. Digital Minimalism – A Rx for Clinician Burnout (NEJM)

SPUC Newsletter Editors

Welcome New Members

SPUC is pleased to announce the following new members who will add strength, expertise and vitality to our association.

SPUC Group Billing

Save time and money! Use SPUC’s Group Billing to streamline the application and payment processes.

Get a 10% or 15% Discount on Dues: Receive a 10% discount on member dues in the group billing program for groups of 34 members or fewer for your practice or institution. Groups of 35 or more members will receive a 15% discount.

The Society will send one comprehensive renewal notice to include all the SPUC members in your practice or institution. Contact Membership Director Greg Leasure to establish group billing for your members.

Members may post job opportunities at no charge. Non-members may post job opportunities for a fee of $500 for 90 days.

Click HERE for details.

Members! FREE CME and MOC II for Weekly Webinars

These popular educational webinars feature experts in the field of pediatric urgent care and offer free CME and MOC Part II credits per calendar year upon achieving 60% or better on the post-webinar surveys.

See upcoming topics and on-demand content here.

The Mike Moran Scholar Award is presented annually to a pediatric resident or fellow in training in the field of pediatric urgent care (MD/DO, NP, PA), with the goal of enhancing clinical research in pediatric urgent care.  

Read more about the Mike Moran Scholar Award here.

No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of SPUC. All rights reserved. The Society for Pediatric Urgent Care is not responsible for statements made by any contributor. Statements or opinions expressed in the newsletter reflect the views of the author(s) and not necessarily the official policy of SPUC.

Editors: Traci Downs-Bouchard MD FAAP and Haroon Shaukat MD FAAP

Society for Pediatric Urgent Care | 2209 Dickens Road | (804) 565-6393 | Fax (804) 282-0090 |