Winter 2025


Education Committee Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers to join SPUC’s Education Committee to help us continue to produce timely, evidence-based education to our SPUC member group.  This is a great opportunity for someone who has a passion for continuing medical education and wants to be more involved in the Society.

  • Attending monthly education committee meetings which involve reviewing post-webinar survey feedback, planning future content and troubleshooting webinar related issues that may have arisen between meetings.
  • SPUC has provided our committee with a fantastic webinar portal that makes the webinar production process as streamlined and automated as possible.  The committee will fully support every new committee member as they learn this process.
  • Recruiting at least two speakers and serving as moderator for their webinars every 6 months. This spreads the work of producing the webinars across the whole committee and makes the workload very manageable.  Remember, speakers do not have to be subspecialist pediatricians doing Grand Rounds-style presentations.  They can also be one of your own Urgent Care colleagues presenting some interesting cases, a QI project, or newly developed UC guidelines.  Journal clubs are also fair game.  We all have amazing and unique things happening at our institutions, and this is a fantastic opportunity to learn from one another as colleagues!

Moderator responsibilities include:

  • Adding your speaker(s) to the webinar schedule for the agreed upon date
  • Requesting needed speaker information, slides, quiz questions/answers and conflict of interest disclosure and uploading them to the portal three weeks before the webinar date
  • Scheduling a brief practice session with your speaker, if needed
  • Moderating the webinar (introducing the speaker and managing the Q/A)
  • Releasing the post-webinar survey
  • Sending a post-webinar thank you note
  • Sharing post-webinar feedback with your speaker via email

If you are interested, please contact Amy Romashko (

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Committee Opportunities

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No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of SPUC. All rights reserved. The Society for Pediatric Urgent Care is not responsible for statements made by any contributor. Statements or opinions expressed in the newsletter reflect the views of the author(s) and not necessarily the official policy of SPUC.

Editors: Traci Downs-Bouchard MD FAAP and Haroon Shaukat MD FAAP

Society for Pediatric Urgent Care | 2209 Dickens Road | (804) 565-6393 | Fax (804) 282-0090 |